About this project

Rosa multiflora (the multiflora, or baby’s rose) is native to eastern Asia. Also known as the Japanese rose, the species was first described in Japan in Man'yoshu, an 8th century anthology of Japanese poetry. Wild Rosa multiflora is commonly found in sunny positions along roadsides and produces clusters of white five-petaled flowers for about a week in May. Rosa multiflora was utilized to breed clustering inflorescence and disease resistance into the most beloved of flowers, the cultivated rose (Rosa × hybrida). This is the first draft genome of a wild ancestor of the cultivated rose and we sincerely hope that all rose lovers will benefit from this project.


Genome structure of Rosa multiflora, a wild ancestor of cultivated roses
Nakamura N., Hirakawa H., Sato S., Otagaki S., Matsumoto S., Tabata S., Tanaka Y.
DNA Research, Volume 25, Issue 2, April 2018, Pages 113–121, doi: 10.1093/dnares/dsx042